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Fast Growing Real Estate Trend in Tokyo: Pop-Up Shops

CBRE Japan released a report showing an increasing trend in pop-up shops opening in Tokyo. Pop-up shops, also known as pop-up stores or flash retailing, are “a short term sales space that opens for days or weeks before closing down, often to catch onto a fad or timely event.” Traditional retail space is usually thought about in terms of department stores like Isetan or brand retailers occupying space in a mall. However, pop-up shops are often small street-level stores that appear outside of these traditional spaces.

In 2015 there were 284 pop up shops in Tokyo; that number jumped 34% to 380 in 2018, with a noticeable increase in street-level stores. Data showed that the quick spread of information through social media has helped to increase the popularity of pop-up shops as well as help them gain immediate brand recognition amongst their social media followers.

Data collected by CBRE showed that the most popular opening length of a store was 1-2 weeks. The latest data also indicates that the most popular locations to open pop-up shops were Omotesando and Harajuku. The industries most likely to open a pop-up shop were fashion and food. CBRE predicts that as technology improves, more retailers will choose to operate in the street level flash retailing space.


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